8:30 AM - 12:15 AM & 12:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Half Day Learn to Mush
$300.00/ADULT* (all people 95 pounds OR over 18 years of age)
$200.00/CHILD* (children must be under 95 pounds, over 95 pounds charged as an adult)
$85.00/INFANT* (babies who cannot walk)
$65/PHOTO PACKAGE* - A photo documentary of your trip including 100+ high resolution images, guaranteed. We shoot with a Nikon D500 (Tamron lens 18-400 mm range). Relax, learn to do something new and let the pros get all the best action shots!
* Shuttle Service and Gratuity are not included in these listed prices. You may add the shuttle at check out - price is per person, round trip, door to door and depends on your location - $45 - $25 per person price range, see below for details. We offer shuttles from Steamboat Springs, Oak Creek and Phippsburg.
We consider 15% to be a minimum for our standard of service and we hope you will agree. Please consider being more generous, as guides are working hard for gratuities. You may leave gratuities on your total due at the end or you may leave cash for the guides. Thank you so much for your planning and consideration here!

450 pounds max weight per couple
550 max weight on trios riding/driving together, no more than 3 adults can ride together on 3 person sled (2 heavier adults can drive this style sled together (i.e. 2 adults weighing more than 450 combined) and pay the price for 3 adults, so a surcharge of x1.5, please call to book if this is confusing)
* Guides work for gratuity. There will be a minimum 15% gratuity automatically added to the bill for every party of 3 or more. People of course can be more generous.
Drive your own sled excursion format - Adults are encouraged to come in pairs, as teams are typically assembled for one driver-one passenger, with a driver switch at the half-way point. Kids under 95 pounds will go on a guided sled in most scenarios, where they participate fully with professional supervision (with some exceptions - please call if you have questions). Paired adults are offered one driver switch per excursion. If people come with an odd number, we will put a group of three on a double driver sled, where one passenger rides and two people team drive a larger team, again with a driver switch half-way. In this scenario one person gets extra drive time, but there is not an odd person out. We offer this to parents traveling with one child or sometimes an odd number of children as well, with the guide hopping on the sled to drive with the child when the child wants a turn, and mom and dad snuggled in the sled. If an odd numbered person would prefer to drive his or her own team, the driver must pay the adult price x two, as seats and driver positions always sell out.
We can fit up to four children on guided kid sleds and it's often the more the merrier!
Guided sled excursion format - if you would prefer to relax and enjoy the scenery, or if you have limitations that would make fully participating unsafe, we can offer gladly a fully guided excursion. No more than 2 adults can fit comfortably in a guided sled. Very small children can always ride together with an adult in a guided sled as well.
Shuttle from the Steamboat Springs area: All shuttles are door to door so please provide your address and the name of your accommodations when you book the shuttle. The shuttle from Steamboat will be a fee per party of $180.00 for parties of 2-4 people. Each additional person up to 9 people is $45 per person. When you book, if other people have booked the shuttle and will fill seats with you, we will manually adjust the price to reflect the per person charge of $45 versus the $180 minimum. Thank you!
All reservations require a 50% deposit at the time of reservation
$100 + your booking fee through the website is immediately non-refundable. The $100 flat fee pays in advance for permitting in the National Forest and we cannot get a refund for your permits, so neither can you. The booking fee goes to the reservation platform and if we refunded that it would come out of our pockets. Thank you for your understanding. If any of this makes you nervous, we suggest you purchase trip insurance.
If you must cancel your reservation, we require 72 hours advance written notice. You may call too, but please email and include your booking number.
You will receive a reminder from the reservations software 96 hours out and that will be your last opportunity to cancel your reservation without being required to pay in full.
We handle cancellations on a case by case basis but cannot make exceptions for the $100 + booking fee. Please don't call and ask for a full refund, regardless of the worthiness of your reason for cancelling. Again, thank you for your understanding.